Sunday, December 9, 2012

Meggs' pics.

As I flipped through the pages of Meggs' History of Graphic Design, I had so much to take in.  I enjoyed looking at all of the different pictures showing graphic design.  I have limited experience in the field myself and have a great appreciation for all of the work that goes into sending a specific message through art.  Each picture has a specific meaning it is trying to portray and a feeling it is trying to invoke.  Graphic design merges both art with specific messages.  Instead of have a "picture worth 1,000 words," we want our pictures to actually have a specific meaning.  It is fun seeing how other people do this.  I love seeing how aspects and ideas of graphic design change from person to person and in society overtime.  As time passes different methods and mediums change and I wonder how much I will learn and change over the course of this class. 

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