Sunday, December 9, 2012


Graphic Design is a constantly changing field, as anyone can see just by looking around.  Throughout history we have observed both fast and slow change based on the resources available at different times and during different developments.  This is my first quarter taking graphic design classes at Foothill.  Before I was inspired to pursue my interest in graphic design, my only knowledge and experience came from making business cards.  I was aware of different font styles and could distinguish different art styles with the time period from which they came but that was the extent of my knowledge.  Now I can say I know who influenced which font styles and which designers launched art movements.  I have a new appreciation for graphic design.  Over the last 11 weeks I have learned and wrote about Gutenberg’s artistic font styles, Sachplakate’s minimalistic poster style, the survival and advancement in graphic design due to the WPA FAP, Saul Bass and his influence on the film poster industry, capturing a whole culture in art through the psychedelic posters of the 1960’s, and the inspiring creative use of fonts from David Carson.   These blogs just touch on a few select elements out of many more that have made graphic design what it is today.  This class has helped me become a better graphic designer by exposing me to new styles and ideas that I can use in my own designs.  Balance and color schemes have always been something I am interested in and have wanted to develop more, how to draw the eye and capture the viewer.   Not only have I learned a great deal about the history of graphic design but I have also improved my eye for design, which will help me with my future pursuits.  Now that I have learned about the design history I am excited for the future.  What is going to happen next?  I don’t know but I can’t wait to be a part of it.  I hope you enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I enjoyed writing them. 

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